DE-CIX has opened a new #internetexchange (#ixp ) in #leipzig , located in the #datacentres of envia TEL GmbH and PŸUR Business.
It will be the first exchange for the #German states of #Brandenburg, #saxony , Saxony-Anhalt, and #Thuringia, enabling both envia TEL and PŸUR Business will be able to resell DE-CIX’s #interconnection services.

“DE-CIX Leipzig will create a new ecosystem for the local digital economy and improve the stability and flexibility of the regional Internet infrastructure. The aim is to strengthen digital value creation, expand the infrastructure, and attract new Internet companies to the region. DECIX Leipzig means a boost in innovation for the development of the digital economy,” says Dr. Thomas King, CTO at DE-CIX.”

In addition to allowing for local data exchange, through DE-CIX Leipzig, the region will be connected to one of the world’s largest Internet Exchanges, DE-CIX Frankfurt. This also integrates it into the wider global ecosystem and the reduced packet run-time between connected companies will lead to a more stable network for applications like cloud computing, VoIP connections, video, gaming, and music streaming, DE-CIX said.

DE-CIX Leipzig is scheduled to go into operation in Q4 2022.